Welcome, welcome to the Flower Lane Studio! My studio has evolved in so many ways in such a short period of time and although it is not yet finished, it's a dream come true. What started as a tiny corner in our previous home with a single desk has turned into a space that houses multiple embroidery machines, sewing machines, packaging supplies, and more! Every time we outgrew the space we learned something new and how to make it flow better for us.
For example, our first expansion consisted of a larger desk and shelves but I quickly learned that I work much more efficiently standing up. After lots of measuring and crossing my fingers that it all works out, I invested in the Ivar system and four Tornviken island from Ikea. This was such a game changer and I haven't looked back since.
My sewing gets done on a Husky workbench that is height adjustable. This allows me to switch between standing and sitting. Yes - sometimes I stand while sewing! It does take some time getting used to if you've never stood up to sew but I promise it's quite efficient! Once stocking seasons comes around, I'll be doing a lot more sitting while sewing. It really depends on the workload!
As we grew, we needed to make space for more things like a designated shipping area. this is something we didn't previously have. So many things to take into consideration now.
Let's take a walk down memory lane!
Here you see my little nook where I made space for a sewing machine and computer.
Our first 'expansion' was a tough move because it required me to get rid of a cozy space that held all of my books, pictures, and piano. You can still see some of my books here. I tried so hard to make it work but eventually moved them out of this room. Here's one of the photos I took using that what you see below.
I think about a month into this layout and we needed to rearrange so that Brent had a desk of his own. He was helping me so much that it only made sense to make a space for him. You can see it here but he sat right across from me and helped by cutting fabric. There was so much to cut!
This is still the same room as the two photos above but a third corner. We eventually moved to the larger area of the room. This is also when we learned more about how to manage a growing business and all the things it takes. It took a long time to get to this step but can you tell that we had a better idea? Things are much more organized!
Something that hasn't changed is my calendar, photos of my kids, their art, and displaying my first crown that I ever made.
... and here is what was on the other side of the room once I swapped spaces. A little play area for the kids! And look, I got my shelves back! :)
Then we moved and we are currently in the unfinished part of our basement.
We have so much work ahead of us but I love the blank canvas and there's so much room!
I can see this space very similar to our previous one with white walls, warm wood floors, and making it a place where you feel welcomed.

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